De oprichter
Krishna Gopal, the founder of Kurodaiya, is an innovator in the field of violence management and aggression (professional and private) and an out of the box thinker. He thinks logically, simple, practical and effective on problems we face daily in our life than the average citizen or politician. His vision of the solutions goes beyond those of the established professionals. His goal in life is to make life more enjoyable by developing innovative insights into actions we take every day.

Krishna Gopal is not only a personal trainer for the mind,  body and sports masseur. He is also a gifted thinker and solution-mental coach. As a public speaker, he puts respectful conflict apart, where gender roles, identity, values, self-control, and acceptance will be discussed.

He is the developer of the unique innovative self-defense fighting system called Kurodaiya. Through his “out of the box thinking”, he has put down this self-defense system in the world by applying the biomechanical process of the human body. Non-aggressive action to protect yourself optimally, where the goal is not to find oneself in a fight but to ensure that the attacker can not continue with his attacks. You will be able to protect yourself in a (100%) proportional way.

For this reason, Kurodaiya is a revolution in Martial Art and is  ”The next generation Self-defence – fighting System”.

Krishna Gopal has patented Kurodaiya and founded KTEC with headquarters in the Netherlands and side branches abroad. He also has developed Kurodaiya Violence Management Program with and for the professionals.

He is the copyright holder of the well-known and widely respected slogan:

“Violence ends where respect begins”


Krishna Gopal, an expert in the field of the biomechanical process of the human body,  master in various martial arts, creator of the Kurodaiya system and founder of KTEC, can be booked for several master classes and presentations and to hire as a personal trainer.



* Non aggressive, de-escalating  approach during a conflict.

* Kurodaiya, the next generation self-defense fighting system.

* Advanced tactical training for fighters

* Injury prevention in Advanced Tactical Competitive and full contact training (MMA, Kickboxing, Boxing and semi-contact training.

* Training in Kickboxing and boxing Without using blocks to prevent injuries during training.

* Innovative (by applying the biomechanical process) insights into Self Defense, Advanced Weapons and Defense & Offense

* Practical conflict / violence Management

* Practical Self Defense


Public Speaking / Presentations:

* Minimum effort produces maximum results

* Aggression, Safety, and Respect

* Non-aggressive, 100% proportional act in order to promote de-escalation

* The Alpha Factor in practice, natural prevalence

* Act normal. For High Schools (values and norms Gender roles, Identity, respect) Teenage Dilemmas and the path to self-esteem, identity, maturity, and responsible behavior.

* Respectful Confrontation for law enforcement officers (full respect with the other person in a confrontation) (Gender roles, values, and norms, Identity, targeted action)

* Women Empowerment Program


Personal Trainer

This involves taking care of the body both inside and outside. (nutrition and massage)

* Mental Coach (Motivation and Stimulation)

* Athletes who want to achieve more with fewer injuries

* For people who want to do workout

* Weight control and conditioning of the bodies

* People who have difficulty to come in motion


Experience in the martial art since 1976


Honorary lifetime member of AJJIF (All Japan Jujitsu International Federation. Representative since 2004 America)

Honorary lifetime member of IFMAOM (International Federation of Martial Arts & Orient Medicine) BUDOKAN INSTITUTE USA 2004 ha Zen Ryu Kenpo Jujitsu Association (Representative since 2004 England)

Member of Black Belt Hall of Fame (2005)

WTKA International – Italy (representative since 2006)

Referee All style and Kickboxing

WMAFSS (representative since 2008)

Deutsche Wu Shu Association Honorary Medal (gold) for more than 30 years practicing martial arts worldwide. (April 26, 2008)

Awards received:

Philosophy of the Century Award (2010)

Martial Art Innovation Award (2009)

Special Youth Program Award from the Mayor of Curpipe and the Minister of Youth and Sports of Mauritius (2009)

HSFN Lifetime Achievement in Sports Award (2007)

Grandmaster of the Year Award (2007)

Martial Arts Ambassador Award (2006)

International Martial Arts Pioneer or Utmost Fame Award (2005)