KTEC provides activities and projects for the After School Activities, for  primary and secundary schools. We provide anti Bully program  and Respectfull Conflict management program for secundary school  for students as wel as teachers.

We have a special program for the primary school (group 8) with which we make then aware  and prepair  them for the new environment in which they will move around at the new school and the way to travel to and from school. Because they are all used to a safe environment and after that they will need to travel in unsafe environment. (Program is called: from primary to safe). They bwill lear how to prevent becoming a victem of bylly, intimidation and violence that hey can meet on nthe street and in the public transportaiton.

We provide Judo and selfdefense training for moer confidence and child -Yoga for very busy(active) children . We have our own location where we can have the children voor the training.

With The Respectfull Conflict management program, we  make the students and teacher aware about discipline, norms and value, identity, rolesand respect etc. They will learn to recognize, prevent and dela with agression and violence in a non agressive, de-escaleating and 100% proportionate way.